

By: - Mar 11, 2023


My feets seem far away
A long way down
Past my thick legs
Irish peasant stock
You need a passport
To reach them
Learn a new language
Something like Esperanto
Just to communicate
Standing tall I
Bellowed at them
It was a dark and windy night
Ahoy mates
What’s with you me hearties
Teetering back and forth
Putting on socks
Benign quotidian task
Ever more complex
With advancing age
Long gone the
Deft easy task
For a time the
Sock machine worked
A clever device
Poked into them
Hauled on up
No longer possible
Grunt and groan
Tug of war
Astrid puts them on
An intimate moment
Scenes from a marriage
Come warmer weather
No need of them
Barefoot contessa
She said vexed
You used to put them on
All by yourself
Ah yes I said
How true indeed
That was last year
When I was
A mere eighty-one
Time measured out
In tiny teaspoons
Tea and sympathy
She and me