
Mangia Bene

We Are What We Eat

By: - Jul 06, 2016

 Mangia Bene

They used to say
I would eat anything
That didn’t eat me first
Decades ago
Boston’s North End
Sicilian neighbors
Local eatery for lunch
Phil Bleeth visiting
With a twinkle ordered
Pig skins over pasta
Like rolled footballs
In red sauce
Made a great show
Mmm alla casalinga
With a laugh then said
Can’t eat this
Phil howled at the prank
When dining Chinese
Order extra MSG
Heavy on the gluten
If you please
Lay on soy and carbs
Four ears of corn
Slathered with butter
In the summer
Hagen Das for dessert
Good old days
Now pills for breakfast
No more fun
Getting slimmer
Late in life
Hanging on
Lean and mean