
First Communion

Five and Five No Matter What

By: - Aug 18, 2015



First Communion

The nuns prepared us
For first communion
Taking in the Lord
Through the Holy Host
Etiquette involved
Swallow don’t chew
Tasted like wheat
Not gluten free
Think pious thoughts
To and from the altar
Instant state of grace
Practiced with Necco wafers
Taking turns being the priest
Prior to that confession
What’s a sin
I wanted to know
When in the booth
Door sliding open
Bless you my son
Pouring out sins
Mostly venial
As it was explained
Just everyday stuff
Making it up
No big deal
Not mortal ones like
Rape and murder
Heavens not that
But being mean
Having impure thoughts
Self abuse
Hard to understand
Sounded interesting
When angels weren’t looking
Gave it a try
Handy thing to confess
Priests seemed to understand
When you come clean
It all goes away
Liked that idea
Have been confessing
Ever since
No matter what
Penance always the same
Five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys
Blurted out
Quick as can be
That usual response
Got boring
Upped the ante
Beat my sister
Killed the dog
No change
Robbed a bank
Same old same old
Five and Five
How Catholics
Get away with murder
Tell it to the priest
Let him worry about it
That’s what they do
Just between me and
The guy in the booth