
Quixotic Windmills

Gloucester's Man of La Mancha

By: - Sep 06, 2016

Quixotic Windmills

Route 128
Ends at Grant Circle
First sight of Gloucester
Looming windmills
Pox on city
Dead in the water
Fishing gone dry
Can’t pay its bills
Tourism now prime
Priceless views
Celebrated by artists
Tainted forever
Renewable energy
Good idea
Wrong location
Stabs the heart
Not quixotic irony
Man of La Mancha
Deranged knight errant
Enormous blades
Gull killers
Defiled city by the sea
From which
Brisk ocean breezes
Wafted schooners
Captains Courageous
Fishing Grand Banks
Swarthy sailors
Mocked by City Hall
Cheap energy
Filling coffers with
Pieces of silver