
The Gift of Mud Season

By: - Mar 31, 2022

The Gift of Mud Season

Slogging out of a bog
Slithering on to the land
Slippery march of the amphibians
Sliding two steps away from a tadpole
Salamander finds his spots
While rain allows for reining in
Manifested destiny for millennia scores
Pure evolution or subterranean revolution?
Certain upheaval absorbing water gripping land
Gills morphing into oxygenating lungs
Living in shelter of fallen leaves or burrows
Thriving within delicious, deciduous forests
As it rains in early spring
As temperature rises and moisture levels high
Making their abrupt migration
Towards annual breeding ponds
Recycling trying to avoid cars and cycles
Hundreds to thousands make mating trip
Females lay one 100 egg clutch
Clinging to underwater plants
Forming gluey egg masses
Somehow sticking to life
Repeated each following year
Regenerative powers giving hope