


By: - Jul 04, 2019


Dense neighborhood
Modest homes
Mill workers mostly
Walked to work
When cotton was king
Long since abandoned
Slipped into ruin
Their jobs went south
Or far far away
Now quite affordable
Artists moving in
With sweat equity
Enough for a Monk
So it would seem
Down steep steps
From wood to cement
Overgrown with weeds
Decades of neglect
Approaching from rear
Below a platform
Newly constructed
Pressure treated planks
Edge to edge
Once quite tight
Now thin cracks
Months to dry
Letting rain seep through
A place for stillness
There will be a fence up there
Moon shaped gate
Pointing to bamboo
It will grow so high
Measured with his hand
Like other perennials
Naming each one
Mostly shade plants
Locked in by homes
Casting long shadows
Just three hours of sun
Enough to survive
Endure brutal winters
Our fleeting lives
Brief flickering candles
Tiny flames of fame
Hope and dreams
Bashed and battered
In his back yard
A time and place
To be calm
A bench here and chairs
Over there
Seeking  solace
Come rain or shine
Tide and time
Wafting waves of memory
Return to Eden
Where it all began or
Under the banyan tree
Each in our way
A row of hostas
Old and quite huge
Rescued from a neighbor
Split and planted
Along the steps
Recalling Candide
I blurted out
Ever the professor
Groping for meaning
Enduring so many calamities
Turks and an earthquake
Rocked Lisbon in 1755
God’s will Pangloss said
Best of all possible worlds
Inquisition’s auto-da-fé
Come what may
Tending one’s own garden
My friend like Voltaire
Remained quite calm
With nothing to say
Me slip sliding away